Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Samsung's next flagship smartphone to have industry-leading display technology

Samsung, a global leader in display technology, is confident of coming up with an industry-leading display technology in its next flagship smartphone, a top executive said here on Wednesday.

Investment Opportunities in India’s Andhra Pradesh

Andhra Pradesh is among the top investment hubs in India. The state serves as a major industrial hub and has numerous industrial parks, ports, and abundant natural resources. Read more to know about its economy, major industrial cities, connectivity, investment opportunities and state incentives.

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Thursday, 25 October 2018

An Introduction to Doing Business in India 2018-19 – New Publication from Dezan Shira & Associates

An Introduction to Doing Business in India 2018-19, the latest publication from Dezan Shira & Associates, is out now and available as a complimentary download on the Asia Briefing Bookstore.

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Tuesday, 23 October 2018

What is GST in India? Tax Rates, Key Terms and Concepts Explained

The goods and services tax (GST), regarded as India’s biggest tax reform, was introduced on July 1, 2017. Read to know about the key terms and concepts under the GST system in India, and the revised GST rates.

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Monday, 22 October 2018

Infosys unveils 4.0 AI version for global enterprises

Software major Infosys on Monday jointly unveiled the 4.0 version of Artificial Intelligence (AI) framework for industry, utilities and infrastructure enterprises, with Finland-based consulting and engineering firm Poyry plc.


随着印度成为全球新兴市场的主要投资目的地,经商的便利性和税务优惠是最主要的议题。印度的外国投资优惠税适用于很多行业,满足一定条件下,可以享受优惠税率甚至免税。 在美国,英国和日本降低税率的时候,印度被广泛认为公司税率高,税收规则复杂。仅仅对比东南亚经济体,印度的税率也高于其他。这也是为什么低成本的可用土地、劳动力以及资源没有被广泛应用的原因。但是巨大的消费市场的和持续的增长一直被广泛关注着。 这里,提醒外国投资者注意:在印度当地司法管辖区,例如联邦或者县的企业同样可以申请国家的优惠税。具体看从事什么行业、所处地理位置、出口产品和业务运营。 印度不断变化的税收环境 在过去的两年中,印度的当局管理联邦,县和地区的税收环境一直在改革。包括但不限于关闭空壳公司、破产监管、修订双重避税条约、明确营业场所规则、房地产监管以及执行一般反避税规则(GAAR)。 这些政策源于印度采用了经济合作与发展组织(OECD)所倡导的税基侵蚀和利润转移(BEPS)措施。 除了加强税收监管体系,印度还于2017年启动了间接税改革。去年7月,商品和服务税(GST)的推出取代了过去多重间接税。 印度的商业税收结构如下: 企业所得税 外国公司的企业税结构与国内公司的不同。外国公司是指在来源于或者运营于印度以外的任何国家的企业。然而,由外国公司直接设立的私人有限公司(全资子公司)在印度被视为国内公司来计算纳税税率。 向外国公司征收的企业税还取决于印度与各国家之间达成的税收协议。例如,加拿大公司在印度的企业税将取决于印度和加拿大政府之间的税收协议。 除了对公司收入征收各种税收外,印度还向公司提供若干退税。 替代性最低税 按照现行的税收规定,如果公司的应纳税额低于其账面利润的18.5%,则该账面利润将被视为其总收入,并征收18.5%的替代性最低税。该税不适用于经济特区(SEZ)、基础设施和电力部门以及风险投资公司的投资。在政府的最新豁免中,从2001年起具有追溯效力,替代性最低税的豁免范围已扩展到航运、矿物油勘探、飞机营运及交钥匙电力工程的民用建筑业务。 预扣所得税 在印度也称为扣缴税率表(TDS),是必须缴纳的。任何性质的付款都必须缴纳预扣税,比如租金,佣金,工资,专业服务。根据1961年 “所得税法” 和双重避税协议规定的税率。预扣所得税税率可能会在各财政年度发生变化,需持续关注。 商品和服务税 商品及服务税(GST)是针对印度所有商品和服务的统一税率,并在消费的最后阶段支付。 在供应链中的每个销售或购买阶段,通过税收抵免机制(或输入信贷机制)对增值商品和服务征税。 通过这种方式,商品及服务税在印度各地建立了统一的市场,促进了透明的商业交易。 印度降低税收负担的长期策略 印度看好区域贸易安排,包括自由贸易协定(FTAs)、优惠贸易协定(PTAs)和全面经济合作协定(CECAs)。避免双重征税协定(DTAs or DTAAs)旨在防止同一收入被两个或更多邦征税,同时消除逃税现象和鼓励跨境贸易效率。 在双边协议中,DTAAs包含了处理多种形式的税收,包括企业所得税、个人所得税、预扣税和股息税。 印度经济园区的优惠税 特殊经济园区的开发商和园主都可以享受实质性长期的优惠税。企业在落户园区时建议商谈优惠期期限和其他特许权,尽管到2020年3月31日按照印度直接税法案(DTC)这些优惠都会被取消。 目前,印度的园区只服务出口型企业,企业享受前五年出口收入100%的所得税减免,其后五年享受50%减免。进口产品可以享受进口货物综合商品和服务税(IGST)的退税,如果有再加工可以较简单的抵扣GST。文件和申报程序也很简单。 印度北部喜马偕尔邦的优惠税 企业建立、生产以及运营在任意东北部地区,喜马偕尔邦将提供特殊的优惠税。在北部不同邦生产、制造或者提供符合要求的服务将享受10年100%减免优惠期,还包括在2017年7月1日-2027年3月31日之间在东北部进行实质性扩张的企业。 初创型企业的优惠税 为了加强本地的初创企业生态圈,印度政府向满足条件的初创企业提供优惠税,从初创企业成立之日起前七年免税期,免征长期资本收益税并在股权变动时批准亏损和资本收益相抵消。初创企业需持有由工业政策和促进部(DIPP)部级认证委员会颁发的许可。该公司必须在2016年4月1日或之后,但在2021年4月1日之前成立。且营业额不得超过2.5亿卢比(387万美元)。 并且,天使投资人或家人朋友、未注册风险投资的国内基金或者VC公司为支持此类投资而募集的资金,不会因其对创业公司的投资而被征税。访问印度国家初创企业政策官网,获取更多相关资讯 新成立企业的优惠税 对于新设立的公司,政府提供25%的公司优惠税,加上适用的附加费和教育税。从2016-17财年起生效。需要满足以下条件: 公司于2016年3月1日或之后注册成立; 公司没有申请在经济特区建立,没有申报过加速折旧、或额外折旧、投资补贴,科学研究基金、没有任何形式的减免和扣除; 公司未享受以往任何评估年度的亏损结转,前提是这种亏损是由于上述条件中提及的减免所致。

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Saturday, 20 October 2018

Opportunities for French Investment in India

France and India have committed to increasing trade relations to 15 billion euro by 2022. Read to know about French investment prospects in India's automobile, chemical, pharmaceutical, electronics, and service industry.

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Tuesday, 16 October 2018

BSNL-Nokia sign MoU for Industry 4.0

Public sector telecom operator Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd (BSNL) has signed a MoU with telecom equipment maker Nokia Solutions and Networks India Pvt Ltd for Industry 4.0, an official said on Tuesday.

#MeToo Movement in India: The Sexual Harassment Law and HR Best Practices

As #MeToo gains momentum in India, companies must take a more substantive approach to sexual harassment of women at the workplace. Learn about the prevention of sexual harassment at workplace Act, and HR best practices to ensure compliance.

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Monday, 15 October 2018

Sugar mills worry over surplus, talk of 'industry collapse'

With the availability of sugar set to reach an unprecedented level of 44 million tonnes thanks to huge unconsumed stock from last year and expected higher production this year, an imminent threat of "industry collapse" is being talked about. This has pushed mills to consider producing globally-accepted high-quality refined sugar as the most promising way to dispose off the surplus.

Thursday, 11 October 2018

Régime d’Imposition Forfaitaire en Inde : Les PME et Auto-Entrepreneurs sont les Bénéficiaires Principaux

Écrit par : Dezan Shira & Associates Traduit par : Roy Forney Remplir des déclarations d’impôts peut être une activité pénible pour les petites entreprises et les auto-entrepreneurs. Pour faciliter la tâche, les autorités fiscales indiennes ont introduit un régime d’imposition forfaitaire. Ce régime permet aux PMEs et aux auto-entrepreneurs de payer des impôts sur un revenu[.....]

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Section 377: LGBT Rights and HR Policy in the Indian Workplace

In its section 377 judgment, the Supreme Court of India supported framing LGBT-friendly HR policies. Read to know about establishing an LGBT-friendly workplace in India, and why inclusive HR policies work for all.

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Tuesday, 9 October 2018

Types of Audit and Audit Reporting in India

For any foreign executive operating in India, it is beneficial to have a basic understanding of the country's audit procedures. In this article, we provide an overview of the different types of audit and audit reporting in India.

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Friday, 5 October 2018

Indian BPM industry largest in the world: Nasscom

With over 17,000 firms and an employee strength of 1.2 million, the business process management (BPM) industry in India is the largest in the world, generating revenue close to $32.5 billion a year, the National Association of Software and Services Companies (Nasscom) said on Thursday.

Thursday, 4 October 2018

Transfer Pricing in India Explained

Transfer pricing refers to the rules used for pricing transactions within and between enterprises under common ownership or control. Read to know about the arm’s length price, specified domestic transactions, advance pricing agreement, country-by-country reporting, and transfer pricing documentation.

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Wednesday, 3 October 2018

Bank Of Maharashtra closes 51 branches to cut costs

The Bank Of Maharashtra (BoM) has closed 51 branches across the country as part of cost-cutting measures in the banking industry, an official said on Wednesday.

Aadhaar Card Update: India’s Supreme Court Verdict Explained

In its latest ruling, the Supreme Court of India upheld the constitutional validity of the Aadhaar Act but struck down some of its provisions. Here, we explain the apex court's verdict and what it means for businesses.

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Life insurers earn more in Oct selling lesser policies

The 24-company Indian life insurance industry closed last month with new business of Rs 22,776.03 crore, up by 31.87 per cent over the prev...